Cultural Burn in tooyohtak | fremont’s peak
Prescribed burn in tooyohtak – place of the bees (in Mutsun Ohlone) aka fremonts peak
Prescribed burn in tooyohtak – place of the bees (in Mutsun Ohlone) aka fremonts peak
Thank you for your interest in ‘Ohlone People: Survivance to Thrivance’! Here you will find…
For 3 Years, SOCAP has had a #LandAcknowledgment in Yelamu – Ramaytush Ohlone Territory. Kanyon CoyoteWoman Sayers-Roods has opened up this space as a reminder that we are on Occupied Native Land – and why it is important to #HonorNativeLand
Working with Seeding Sovereignty and Yvette Padilla we are hosting the Indigenous Lounge and strengthening Indigenous@SOCAP
East Bay Regional Park District is pleased to present the 2015 second edition of this third-grade curriculum about local tribal peoples past to present by District Cultural Services Coordinator Beverly R. Ortiz.
Kanyon offering Indigenous Perspective at this Resource Fair. A Mutsun-Ohlone Culture Bearer, edutainer, and accomplished artist, Sayers-Roods will lead us in honoring the land we are on.
Kanyon here, wanting to offer a little indigenous insight – around researching “ohlone or costanoan, or any indigenous peoples of the bay area”
Original Source – Support Kanyon via Patreon
Kanyon offers Land Acknowledgements at CIIS – San Francisco. San Francisco is known as Yelamu,…
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