CA State Parks of Santa Cruz Oct 28, 2022
Posted on KKLLC Youtube recently:https://youtu.be/uv0nsYbN5lM
Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park was lucky enough to be joined by artist, advocate, educator, and Ohlone & Chumash community member, Kanyon CoyoteWoman Sayers-Roods during the launch of our Storywalk of “When the Mission Bells Rang” in October of 2022. During this video, you’ll have the chance to hear first-hand from descendants and community members of the Ohlone people who continue to care for and steward the land where many of our state parks today and have since time immemorial. California State Parks is grateful to our tribal partners who help us to share the story of all Californians and ensure that we provide access to the cultural and natural history of our region in a way that honors and respects these communities. To learn more about our work, or get involved with Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park, visit our website at https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=548 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and follow us on socials @santacruzmissionshp!
Original Post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRSrr0Yjkwg