Society for California Archeology – Native American Programs Committee

Gregg Castro – Chair

Sourcebook on Cultural Resource Management, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage Values for the Native American Communities of California

Kanyon “CoyoteWoman” Designed the 2023 SCA Poster

Recent Post about the 2023 Annual Meeting – Poster designed by Kanyon CoyoteWoman Sayers-Roods

New Minizines designed!


for both native and non-native allies accomplices and co-conspiritors

Perspectives Insights to Cultural Resource Management and Indigenous Consultation

Check out the PDF to review the digital files

Native American Programs Committee Reminds our California Native Relations to Apply for a Scholarship! NAPC-DEADLINE- January 15, 2020

SCA 2019 – Annual Meeting

March 7 – March 10, 2019 – Sacramento
The Sacramento area is the tribal land of Nisenan people of the central valley, the Foothills and Southern Maidu people to the north, the Valley Miwok and Me-Wuk people to the east, and the Patwin, Wintun, and Wintu people to the south and west. 

Check out the SCA – NAPC Conference Event List 2019 “Fun Fact Sheet”

Forum 1: Bringing Native Americans and Archaeologists Together: A Forum for Discussing the Benefits of Collaboration and Reciprocity


Capitol Salon A: 1:00-4:00
Organizer: Kanyon Sayers-Roods
Although archaeological researchers and Native American communities have much to gain from each other, miscommunication and mutual mistrust have often prevented us from reaching common goals. Important points of discussion for collaboration include communication, stewardship, reciprocity, representation, and access to knowledge and resources. This round table will bring together tribal representatives, archaeological researchers and government agency representatives to discuss three main topics: (1) mutual benefits of collaboration in archaeological research; (2) collaboration between Native American communities and regulatory agencies; (3) stewardship and research of environmental change. Inclusion is a key theme of the forum, and audience participation is welcomed. , and audience participation is welcomed.

A huge thank you to~

  • Desiree Renee Martinez – Gabrielino (Tongva) Tribal Archaeologist
  • Allison Stevenot, Northern Sierra Mewuk Apprentice basketweaver, traditional acorn practitioner*, and archaeological technician in my ancestral homeland within what is now Calaveras and Tuolumne counties. – I’d like to amend my introduction from the forum since it was recorded, I meant to say my grandmother is Dorothy Stanley not Stevenot. Also, my views and statements reflect my own perspective and not those of any tribal affiliation or agency. – *acorn practitioner: This term means that I am a teacher and keeper of my family’s traditional Mewuk method of processing black oak acorn into acorn mush. This method is very similar if not the same as many California peoples.
  • Sarah Allred – California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Native American Cultural Studies Branch Chief ´works with the District Native American Coordinators to provide policy and guidance for the active involvement of tribal governments in the cultural resources investigation process. Sarah offers a pdf of resources and links that are helpful (Click mini image and view pdf) Or go to this page
  • Jennifer Darcangelo – Tribal and Cultural Resources Land Consultant, Pacific Gas & Electric Company ´PG&E’s lead cultural resource liaison with Native American Tribes, with the goal of improving awareness of and compliance with cultural resource regulatory requirements and commitments to Tribes
  • Gregg Castro, t’rowt’raahl Salinan/rumsien Ohlone ´SCA Native American Programs Committee – Chair, California Indian Storytelling Association – Advisor, California Indian History Curriculum Coalition – Advisor, Member of Salinan T’rowt’raahl advocacy group
  • Jeffrey Rosenthal, Principal, Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc.
  • Angela M. Younie, PhD, RPA -Principal Investigator, Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc.

Keep the conversation going – Resource sharing sign-up

Shared Google Drive Folder with Large Audio File of our discussion is right here ^_~<