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The importance of respecting Indigenous Protocol #AskFirst. As it is now this guide is geared towards event producers, mainly non-indigenous people but it could be more inclusive in many ways – shifted to locate event participants within these suggested guidelines so all are more educated about these types of Better Practices and event standards.

Groundworks Project

GROUNDWORKS profiles four California Native co-creators of the Groundworks project – an immersive, year-long media collaboration that culminated with a performance on Alcatraz Island on San Francisco’s first official Indigenous Peoples Day in October 2018. While weaving together these artists’ stories and their contemporary ways of sharing traditional knowledge, GROUNDWORKS also explores land management issues, water rights, and food-security – concerns for all Americans, especially in an age of climate change.

KKLLC presentations @ SFSU

in Yelamu – Ramaytush Ohlone Territory aka SF – Kanyon Sayers-Roods visits Melissa Nelson’s class May 9th to discuss the recent work she has been committed to. American Indian Studies Department of San Francisco State University.

Kanyon offers classroom presentations, culture sharing discussions, and advocacy insights when she visits students of all ages. Dominantly 3rd grade to University Level students – as well as educating the educators.