Guidelines written by Lauren Harwyn @witchwaytotheforest and Kanyon Sayers-Roods – Kanyon Konsulting – Decolonizing Anti-Racist Culture of the European Diaspora (DARCED) GOALS
Guidelines written by Lauren Harwyn @witchwaytotheforest and Kanyon Sayers-Roods – Kanyon Konsulting – Decolonizing Anti-Racist Culture of the European Diaspora (DARCED) GOALS
Natural Resources Conservation Service, American Indian & Alaskan Native Special Emphasis, Cultural Observance Celebration. Kanyon Coyotewoman shares
Honor the Past To Shape the Future [Reclaiming Tradition, Reclaiming Health] Menlo Park Library (SoundCloud recording)
Monday, December 9, 2019
Kanyon CoyoteWoman Sayers-Roods offers a conversation about the Indigenous people of the Bay Area and what it means to honor native land and acknowledge the land in today’s post colonial settler society.
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