miSmin Tuuhis! We have some exciting news to share with you all. Indian Canyon, federally recognized land that has served as a safe haven for the indigenous community and a space for sacred ceremonies, has recently joined Patreon. This means that you can now support our efforts in preserving the land and promoting indigenous stewardship by becoming a patron.
By supporting Indian Canyon on Patreon, you’ll be contributing to a cause that’s close to the hearts of many. As we continue to see the effects of climate change and the impact it has on the environment, it’s more important than ever to support initiatives that prioritize the health of the land and its indigenous communities.
If you’re not familiar with Indian Canyon, it’s a sacred piece of land nestled in the Gavilan Mountain range of Central California in what we now call Ohlone Territory, in the Mutsun linguistic area of the south south bay of Silly-Con Valley. It’s a safe space where Indigenous people can gather, connect with their heritage, and carry out traditional ceremonies. By supporting Indian Canyon on Patreon, you’ll be helping to ensure that this special place remains accessible and preserved for generations to come.
So, if you’re looking for a way to make a difference, please consider supporting Indian Canyon on Patreon. Your contributions will go directly towards maintaining the land and supporting indigenous-led initiatives. And if you can’t contribute financially, sharing this post with your networks can go a long way in spreading the word about this important cause.Let’s work together to support indigenous stewardship and preserve the sacred spaces of our planet. Thank you all for your support! #IndianCanyon#Patreon#IndigenousStewardship#PreserveOurLand#SacredSpaces#SupportIndigenousCommunities#SpreadTheWord